We are proud to announce Hidden River’s most recent platform investment in Diamond Blade Warehouse (“DBW”), a leading distributor of diamond cutting tool products used for a variety of applications.
Our investment supported DBW’s acquisition of Peak Toolworks (“Peak”), a complementary provider of cutting tool products and services for the woodworking, metal, and composite industries. The acquisition expands DBW’s ability to provide industry-leading products to customers in a range of end-markets, including infrastructure, construction trades, building products, automotive, and manufacturing. Management, Granite Creek Capital Partners and Muzinich & Co. participated in the financing.
Our partnership with DBW aligns well with our structured capital approach, which supports the organic and acquisition-related growth initiatives of small businesses through a combination of flexible debt and equity solutions. Please reply or get in touch with us to see how Hidden River can support your capital needs.
About Hidden River Strategic Capital
Hidden River Strategic Capital invests $7.5 million to $25 million into U.S.-based businesses typically generating at least $10 million of revenues and $2 million of EBITDA. Hidden River provides structured capital through flexible, customized, and partnership-oriented debt and equity to support these management-owned businesses through their growth needs and strategic initiatives. The Fund invests in a variety of industries with a strong preference for unique, repeatable, and durable business models. For more information, please visit www.hiddenrivercap.com.
About Diamond Blade Warehouse, L.L.C.
Diamond Blade Warehouse is a leading direct seller of a full range of diamond cutting tool products for a variety of applications. It has the largest product line in the diamond tool industry and more than 30,000 active customers in the United States, South America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Its customers rely on DBW for diamond blades, core bits, and cup wheels for cutting concrete, asphalt, granite, tile, marble, porcelain, brick and more. The Company’s products are used to cut and finish a variety of materials and end markets including concrete and masonry, concrete pavers and hard brick, tuck-pointing, tile, granite, and marble.
About Peak Toolworks
Peak Toolworks is a complete tool solutions provider, offering sharpening services, consumable tool manufacturing, and resale products for the secondary woodworking, composite, and metals industries across the U.S. and Canada. Peak is a servicer and manufacturer of saw blades and other tools used on wood, metals, and composites across building materials and general industrial end-markets.
Graham Bachman
Managing Director, Head of Business Development
T: 610-291-2521